2016-11-0503:00LESSON LEARNED: KMT lawmakers had to explain the occupation to 銀行小額借款的門檻a小額信貸利率最低銀行 group of high-school students after they entered the legislative chamber o小額借款利息低n a field trip
By Alison小額貸款利率 Hsiao / Staff reporter
The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday protested against the Democratic彰化小額借款學生 Progressive Party (DPP) caucus’ “authoritarian gesture” of restricting the legislative discussion agenda to bills proposed by the DPP caucus.
More than a dozen KMT lawmakers occupied the 中壢小額借款快速撥款speaker’s podium, lambasting the DPP for “blocking the KMT’s right to propose changes to the legislative agenda.”
The Procedure Committee on Tuesday failed to reach a consensus on the discussion agenda slated to be dealt with in the next plenary session and left it to the general assembly to decide yesterday.
“At 8:45am we entered the chamber and found this agenda proposal,” KMT caucus convener Sufin Siluko (廖國棟) said on the podium, holding a p台中小額借錢急用台南民間小額借款i小額貸款率利計算ece of paper.小額信貸利率如何計算
The DPP caucus’ agen小額借錢急用da proposal contains 19 items and states that the discussion agenda for the meeting should be “limited” to those items and be processed “in the order shown,” he said.
“Can the legislative proceeding be restricted by a single caucus like this? We will continue to stand on the podium if the DPP caucus does not retract its agenda proposal,” he said. “What kind of democratic system is this?”
台中民間小額借貸“The DPP, now the majority party in the legislature, has no respect for minority opposition parties. The wording they 哪家銀行小額借款利率最低銀行小額信貸used — ‘limited’ and ‘in the order shown’ — revealed their dictatorial and hegemonic mentality,” KMT Legislator Alicia Wang (王育敏) said.
銀行小額貸款率利最低She accsed the DPP caucus of trying to bar opposition parties from motioning changes 小額借款學生to the 銀行小額借貸比較agenda.
借貸利息最高KMT lawmakers held placards accusing Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) of being partial and called the DPP “overbearing” for precluding the opposition’s right to make proposa高雄小額借款3萬小額貸款 五萬ls.
One of the placards read: DPP lawmakers helped student protesters “guard the legislative chamber before the election and then manhandled them out of the chamber afterward.”
DPP lawmakers guarded the legislative chamber’s doors during students’ occupation of the premises in 2014 — as lawmakers are protected by law against eviction by police — but on Tuesday they had police evict protesters from DPP caucus convener Ker Chien-ming’s (柯建銘) office after they occupied it to protest against the DPP’s proposal to cancel seven national holidays to accommodate a 40-hour workweek.
Lawmakers have been scuffling over proposed amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法), the DPP caucus’ version of which proposes “one fixed rest day and one flex高雄借錢週轉i小額借款學生 嘉義ble day off” after five workdays and seeks to scrap seven national holidays.高雄小額借款
The KMT and the New Power Party are新竹小額借款1萬 opposed to the proposal.
Sufin said the KMT caucus earlier yesterday was about to agree to Ker’s suggestion that高雄小額借款10萬 public hearings be held by the cauc高雄借錢急救網uses of the parties in the legislature to reach a consensus about the proposed amen台中借錢不求人dments.銀行小額借貸利率比較小額貸款率利最低銀行
“Howeve新竹小額借款當日撥款r, we later saw the 19-item agenda, so we changed tactics,” he said.
At about 4pm, with the podium still occupied by KMT lawmakers, a group of high-school students on a fie銀行小額借款快速撥款ld trip entered at the legislative chamber.
KMT Legisl銀行小額信貸 網路搶客ator Ko Chih-en (柯志恩), a former educator, told the studen台中小額借貸快速撥款ts小額借貸利息計算 why the lawmakers had to intervene in the legislative procedure by occupying the podium.
高雄小額借款利息低桃園小額借款5萬高雄證件借款兩萬“I am sorry that you had to witness this today, but this does not happen oft銀行小額信貸利率最低en,” she said.
KMT caucus secretary-genera高雄證件借款 免抵押品l台南小額借款3萬 Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) told the students that the democratic lesson was that while the majority rules, the minority has to be respected as well.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30pm without any bills having been reviewed or passed, which meant that DPP and KMT lawmakers’ proposed amendments to regulate same-sex marriage, which were on yesterday’s agenda, failed to get their first readings.
新聞來源:小額信貸利息最低台中借錢免留車>TAIPEI TIMES